Saturday, April 7, 2012

She's Oh So Cute & Tons of Fun... Oh sweet girl turned the big one :):)

So I am a little (well a lot behind) on Sawyer's Birthday post. It was ohh.... 2 months ago :) 

We started by taking her out for spaghetti & cupcakes on her actual birthday during the week and then invited our friends & family over for more partying on Saturday. You won't see many photos of The Hoot herself because we'll she wasn't around. She must have been a bit overwhelmed by all the fabulous people who made their way to the party, because she ended up getting sick and camping out in the bedroom for the majority of her party. 

We did end up getting to open presents and actually eating cake the following day. Hope you love the photos and I will enjoy knowing I am never throwing a birthday party at out house again. Renting it out from now on :) 

Thank you so much for everyone who celebrated with us... near & far. 

Red velvet, cookies n cream, & vanilla cupcakes from TGS Cupcakery

The Hoot & her Yaya

Look mom, no hands! 

The Hoot Turns One :):)

So it's only almost 3 months after The Hoot's Birthday celebration and I have yet to post any of it!! Busy mama and I :) 

I have her actual party photos to share but this a 2nd session I did to celebrate her milestone. These were in now Austin School Lofts which is a 100 year old former school now turned apartments. Love 'em! 

Enjoy :) 

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